Monday, July 19, 2010

Tree 2 - Pisang Tanduk (Musa paradisiaca fa. corniculata )

Scientific name: Musa paradisiaca fa. corniculata

Common name: Pisang Tanduk (Horn Banana)
Malay name:
Pisang Tanduk
Genus: Musa
Family: Musaceae

Native: South East Asia
Usage: Cooking
Picture Taken: Sg Buloh, Selangor.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Tree 1 - Royal Palm (Roystonea Regia)

Scientific name: Roystonea regia
Common name: Royal Palm
Malay name:
Palma Diraja
Roystonea spp.
Arecaceae or Palmae
Characteristic: Enlarge middle part of the trunk.
Usage: Road side, park and garden ornementals plant.
Picture Taken: Chatuchak Park

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Tree 0

I love tree and I think we must protect them for our survival. To protect tree, we must know tree. This blog is about collecting the knowledge of tree.

This blog is a dedication to my father who was a forest ranger until his death on Dec 1994.